Every day all around the world before we wake up to see the light of the day, there are thousands of airplanes, millions of cars, buses, trucks, ships, and trains as well as polluting hydrocarbon power plants to either transport us or to provide our daily electrical energy needs. We have become a society that has come to depend totally on fossil fuels.
For every gallon of diesel or jet fuel that is burned to generate energy, over 10 kg or 22 pounds of CO2 and other pollutants are released into the atmosphere, creating a massive air polluting problem all over the planet. We only have one planet that we know for certain on which we can live and breathe freely. We all should do our part to take care of it.
If we continue at this pace and don’t try to solve the problem now, who knows what challenges future generations will inherit. When I thought of what would be left for my grandchildren and great grandchildren in the future, it motivated me to create an organization that focuses on “green-tegrate.” This is a process by which we combine different technologies to optimize and maximize the output of different energy creating systems without using fossil fuels.
Combining the knowledge of brilliant scientists, engineers, and forward-thinking businessmen, I believe we can solve this energy challenge. Working together with a single purpose, we can make a difference.
This is a beautiful world. Let’s make it better for our future generations. If you are an inventor, scientist or entrepreneur that has designed machines or systems to produce green energy, and environmentally friendly products, we want to hear from you.